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Pemberton Library Board

Our Library is run by its Members.

The Pemberton Library Board is responsible for creating a vision of library service for the community, articulating values and principles, setting goals, developing effective governance policy, monitoring the Library Director’s performance and meeting provincial standards.

The Pemberton & District Public Library Association operates under terms laid out in the provincial Library Act.

Board Meetings

The board usually meets on the third Thursday of each month at 7 pm in the Library. Meetings are open to the public, but please check for date and time changes at the Library. There are typically no meetings in July and August.

The Application Process

The Annual General Meeting is held every January when the board resigns and is re-elected. Every adult library cardholder is a member of the Public Library Association and is eligible to vote in the annual election of trustees.

If you’re interested in becoming a board member, we’d love to have you!

Eligible nominees must be:

  • 18 years of age or older;
  • a current member of the Pemberton & District Public Library Association;
  • a resident of the Village of Pemberton or Electoral Area C of the Squamish Lillooet Regional District

 Trustees serve two-year volunteer terms and may not serve more than 8 consecutive years on the board.

To apply submit a completed Library Board Information & Application Package to the Library Director in person or via email to

*Please note that trustee applications are now closed for 2024.

Our Current Trustees

Chair: Carmen Praine (2018)  Email:
Vice Chair: Cindy Filipenko (2021)
Treasurer: Katie Painchaud (2022)

Tina Buchan (2019)
Darolyn Da Silva (2023)
Michelle Headley (2022)
Natalie Perreault (2020)
Patricia Zant (2020)

SLRD Representative: Russell Mack
SLRD Alternate Representative: Jan Kennett
Village Representative: Katrina Nightingale
Village Alternate Representative: Laura Ramsden



2024 Board Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes January 18 2024

Board Meeting Minutes February 2024

Board Meeting Minutes March 2024

Board Meeting Minutes April 2024

Board Meeting Minutes May 2024

Board Meeting Minutes June 2024

If you’re interested in reading past Board Minutes please contact the Library Director in person or via email