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Cantook Station (Bibliothèque Numérique)

A collection of French language eBooks and audiobooks from Canadian and international publishers. It includes popular genre fiction, bestsellers, non-fiction and more. There are titles for adults, teens and children.

How to get started

Login with your Pemberton & District Public Library card number and PIN. If you do not know your PIN, try the last four digits of your telephone number or contact us.

You can borrow up to 7 items and hold up to 3 items at one time.

Books can be read in your browser, on your smartphone or tablet (using the Aldiko app), or on your eReader (using Adobe Digital Editions).

Download the Aldiko app here:

The Pemberton & District Public Library recognizes the financial support of the Province of British Columbia and the Government of Canada through the Canada-British Columbia Agreement on French-language Services.

The Pemberton & District Public Library reconnait le soutien financier de la province de la Colombie-Britannique et du gouvernement du Canada par le biais de l’Entente Canada-Colombie-Britannique relative aux services en francais.

We are grateful to VPL for donating their sizable French language collection.